Universal Gaming League

over 12 years ago
Here's a list what you must do which problem you've got [b]Cannot install/run Libra[/b] [i]Please make sure that you have added an exception for Libra in your anti-virus & firewall and make sure that you are running it as an Administrator account.[/i] [b]Black screens[/b] [i]You must go to you're autoexec.cfg or config.cfg and must change the follow variables to the right one: [/i] [quote] //Anti-Alaising - mat_aaquality "0" --> 2 - mat_antialias "2" --> 0[/quote] [b]Freezing players / Libra lags[/b] [i]You must set Libra on a seperate CPU, I prefer you're last cpu and set Affinity in Task Manager and disabling Anti-Alaising seems to solve the issue.[/i] [quote] //Anti-Alaising - mat_aaquality "0" --> 2 - mat_antialias "2" --> 0[/quote] [b]Errors with counters[/b] [i]Just reinstall [url=http://ungl.org/Libra]Libra[/url]. [/i] [b]Can't open Libra / Can't login[/b] [i] You're sure about it that UAC is off? If it's off and still not working just reinstall [url=http://ungl.org/Libra]Libra[/url]. [url=http://www.google.be/#hl=nl&q=disable+uac+xp&revid=1355522746&sa=X&ei=HpM9Tp2jJY3qOYG8keIH&ved=0CHQQ1QIoAg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ee302961cc1488f5&biw=703&bih=582]How to shutdown UAC[/url] [/i] [b]Invalid integer[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/D7QIS.png[/img] [i]Nothing to be afraid of it. It's just a fault inside Libra. The only fix is to wait or to reinstall [url=http://ungl.org/Libra]Libra[/url].[/i] [b]Other things[/b] [i]Just be sure that your antivirus AND firewall have the settings that Libra is allowed![/i] AT 22PM there will be a huge update of this post
over 12 years ago
Nice idea bud! Made it a sticky, good luck with it dude.
Loves kicking people very hard.
over 12 years ago
Good work pal.
over 12 years ago
Good work, but i guess people will not read this and just post a new thread asking the same question. Good idea though!
over 12 years ago
<a class="member" href="/users/8484"><img class="flag" src="/assets/flags/gb-417616f06ffcafdc9723a024c03e744a52ffd732dd5b5101b41053c2e918870e.png" /> &nbsp;<span>BeNjO</span> </a> I made it a sticky so hopefully people keep looking back to it!
over 12 years ago
Thanks all <a class="member" href="/users/8484"><img class="flag" src="/assets/flags/gb-417616f06ffcafdc9723a024c03e744a52ffd732dd5b5101b41053c2e918870e.png" /> &nbsp;<span>BeNjO</span> </a> This must normally fixed when they see many people has posted + viewed this post. Either a admin can said as an answer &amp;quot;please look at the topic [url=http://ungl.org/forum/2/1961]Bug list: What to do?[/url]&amp;quot;. But it&#39;s easier for admins and for people either.
over 12 years ago
i had an error with libra and i cant open it and login s: so i reinstall libra again so i hope it work tonight :3
over 12 years ago
<a class="member" href="/users/4104"><img class="flag" src="/assets/flags/pt-3b7ba69fdf3323ce10bc474aa301885e87995d49f3dbf44e998664ed3348c9b3.png" /> &nbsp;<span>gew</span> </a> It&#39;s added in the list. Hope its helps you.
over 12 years ago
Changing res ingame for me broke it. Could an admin look into dual monitors with 1920x1080 on your main screen 1650x1080 on your second. Playing css at dx81, but going ingame from 1920x1080 to 800x600. Then seeing the results of the screenshots? Unsure if its a dual monitor issue or tri sli issue - either way lags bad, hence the res change. PS tried all ur changes still no difference in lag my pc below + ocz vertex 3 ssd 240gb with 540mb read 520mb write http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1997843
UNGL Contributor
over 12 years ago
<a class="member" href="/users/9664"><img class="flag" src="/assets/flags/00-017f6f0ace4596468fadffe4a8a656c60428ee3bfea2e70ba88f9b94ae1ed644.png" /> &nbsp;<span>konsetsu</span> </a> It&#39;s most likely the tri sli thing, but its best to hear it from <a class="member" href="/users/1"><img class="flag" src="/assets/flags/gb-417616f06ffcafdc9723a024c03e744a52ffd732dd5b5101b41053c2e918870e.png" /> <span class='has-admin'></span> &nbsp;<span>paradox</span> </a> in all honesty.
over 12 years ago
when i try to login on libra,it sey incorect eamail or pasword...but it cannot be true because i wote email and pasword from ungl...pls help me