Universal Gaming League

over 9 years ago

We will boost you any requested rank in CS:GO
Our boosters and coaches are SMFC-GE ranks. All of them are ex pro gamers which made living of it.
Boost games are done with no hacks and that means there is no chance your account will get banned since we are legitimate boosters.

1 session of boosting (generally 2-4) hours = 25€ - times will be setup for your convenience so your available for at least 2+ hours of gaming, and at least 4-5 game WINS.
Boosting ranks: Global Elite = 705€ - boost to global elite, you will join up my team and we will boost you until you are at that specific rank.
Boosting ranks: Supreme master 1st class = 55€ - Supreme master 1st, you will join up my team and we will boost you until you are at that specific rank.
Boosting ranks: Legendary eagle master = 45€ - boost to Legendary Eagle Master, you will join up my team and we will boost you until you are at that specific rank.
Boosting ranks: Legendary Eagle = 30€ - boost to Legendary Eagle, you will join up my team and we will boost you until you are at that specific rank.

E-Mail: [email protected]
Skype: live:e-Ssencess
Payment is thru PayPal and is paid forward, when we see the payment we will right away try to be in contact with you and give you the paid service you bought.
We can and will play worldwide - US, Europe, Australia - You name it and we will be there.

over 9 years ago

lol this is terrible, why would anybody pay money for a rank?


over 9 years ago

