Universal Gaming League

over 9 years ago

Nexus MatchMaking
is essentially a community based group of people where people can join the community and play against each other.. Sounds pretty dull right? Well heres where the "gain" part of of it comes into place, Teams that win 1st Second and third are rewarded after the Tournament with keys.. yes thats right free keys! All you require is Teamwork and positivity . You will be rewarded for every time You come in 1st 2and or 3rd. For now we are in the beta phase and need all the assistance and advertisement to make this a reality. But most of all to buy keys or maybe some donations, If you want to earn from your skill level get out there and tell the world of this new community!


over 9 years ago


It takes time

But, what is time?

Time can not be described

Time can not be defined

Is it invented by humans or aliens?


What are aliens?

Do they play CS GO?

Are their computers more advanced than ours?

Are they in the lobby before us?


What is a lobby?

Is it made by someone named Bobby?


Is bobby a person?

Is he willing to join us?


Who are we?

WE ARE xXXxEliteCODNoScopeMastersxXXx!


We are the best!

We are the beasts!

We are the masters!
