Universal Gaming League

over 9 years ago

Hello guys,

I'm looking for a Team and that's already for a long time.
I've quited a few times cause i couldn't really find GOOD players, teams. and lost inspiration
I've posted on here before and people added me as result.
Noone of them that added me really had what i asked for which is:

Training a lot due the week and weekends.
Attending Tournaments, Leagues etc.
Really active.
Skillful players, team. above DMGish rank on mm. (favored eagle and above).
Not just saying we are really active and not just coming online and only online 2 or 3 days in a week
and not organizing stuff that should be organized.
Trying to get better together as a team even though we're around eagle skill range and trying to
get better in strats etc to beat better teams on ESEA etc.

So this is basicly what i ask again! =D
DO NOT ADD ME IF YOU'RE LOWER SKILL LEVEL THEN DMG (as i said above eagle is favored)

If you meet me then you will see i'm really dedicated to go far!

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198130195878/

I have around 2.5k hours of CS:GO and i know what i'm doing and how to play!

Wish is to attend LAN at high skill level.

much love f1nest.
