Universal Gaming League

over 9 years ago

hi guys my name is f1nest i speak fluent english and i'm from The Netherlands. i've been looking for a long time for a serious team that plays esl pcw and faceit etc.

i have around 2700 hours my profile says around 1k since i lost 1 account with alot of hours to a friend of mine. and i have another acc (smurf) around 400 hours.

what you can expect from me:

active and able to practice everday

Good player with really good game sense

around LEM rank skill (i don't care about mm rank since i always solo que)

im a entry fragger (can clutch ofc. =D)

i have a vac ban though but its basicly glitched or whatever since im not banned for any game http://gyazo.com/06d99418d75c31f9251a9a4cc81eac12

on my smurf i do have mw2 i used to trickshot so there i have a vac ban for.

im able to play esea, faceit, esl etc

contact me if you have a serious team thats willing to go far! =D

