Universal Gaming League

over 8 years ago

Hello, we are a fresh team looking for 2 new members. We are looking for 2 roles to be filled, Entry and Rifler. Experience is required and would like you to have a substantial amount of hours on CS with a decent MM rank such as LEM +, we'd prefer people with competitive experience such as online cups and ladders, any LAN exp is even better. We are looking to practice Monday - Thursday and Sunday, have working Headphones, and be able to communicate effectively. We are going to UK Lan events such as Insomnia 57 and playing in leagues and ladders.

If you feel that you are suitable for either of the 2 roles specified and are 18 years of age +, please add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/ogre123

over 8 years ago

Im a free agent if your still looking.
