Universal Gaming League

Team Devious Counter-Strike:Source

Formed from the great runescape clan Dark Ascension and the legendary runescape players logan 4annie considered by many the bestmage bank pker of all and ****ters such as sir rak0n (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sir+drak0n&page=&utm_source=opensearch) no namer mage boy3000 (lmao who???) and pete (worst aimer eu) day, jay jay665 (bh product)

We went on to take our immense gaming skills onto counter strike source, where we dominated under the name devious and made it to the blistering heights of rank 40 ED....we soon quit after a dispute between every single one of our players about almost everything.

Years later we reunited with a roster who has played together and hated one another for countless years (especially brain):

P.s. seriously, i hate everyone on my team, if any teams are looking drop me a message
