Universal Gaming League

about 12 years ago

Greetings Isle people,

This goes most of the time to the CSGO part of UNGL.

First of all, when a opponent team feels lucky and wants to default hunt a win and requests demos from the other team, you should make it like every other league(s): Maximum of demo requests. In a 5on5 game, generally, you should request 2 (or MAX 3 demos - but rarely ). Each match, lets say takes about 30 minuets to review. Thats about a hour and a half to see if there is something fishy going on. This would be better for everyone. First of all, less default hunts. Second of all, the matches can get confirmed much faster. Third, if there is a conflict, team 1 can only request two demos from team 2, this means the administrator can review two demos instead of five. This would be more efficient, better and faster. If a team fails to deliver the demos - they get of course disqualified. This way we prevent that people default hunt to much and request 5 demos and administrator needs to suffer through 10 years of demo review. Dont take this as 3 people from each team must record. No, no. Everyone records, only 2 demos are available for each team to take out in case of demo requests.

My second suggestion should go the CSGO ladders. There MUST be a auto confirmation deadline. Many top tournaments set this on 48 hours or 36 hours. Gives enough time to review and see if there is something weird going on. At this point, the ladders dont have a auto confirmation deadline. Which means the fixtures can stand for ever and just wait for the opponent team to get them confirmed. Of course you PM a admin to force this. But it shouldn't be that way.

Two desired changes I would love to see at UNGL. This would boost more games, narrow default hunts and of course be more efficient and flexible.

about 12 years ago

I actually +1 these suggestions, as I have, as stated, seen them implemented in other leagues,

about 12 years ago

suggestion: jump out a window, makes everyone on ungl happy.

about 12 years ago

Thats true in what you say and I've seen that as well. But 2 demos are more then just enough to request. Fair enough as well.

At the long run you know that's just because the other team wants to take out the piss on you. And five days is to much, don't you think? Why should it take 5 days? Why not 2? Or just 36 hours? I think that's a stupid duration time on 5 days. What can possible take 5 days to review?

about 12 years ago


There is absolutely no reason to decrease the time allowed from 5 days other than that teams want to stare at their wins with pride before they inevitably lose because they're too busy drooling over their team page to actually play.

about 12 years ago

Thats why both suggestions go hand in hand. When a team requests 5 demos after a match its obvious default hunt. Thats something even you as a previous admin can agree on,

. In a game, where you got the famous Libra taking care of things, its doubtful that 5 players in 1 team decide to cheat. You have to face reality here. Thats why you decrease the demo request from five to two and at the same time change the deadline time to 24/36 hours. You can afford 1 hour to review two demos. You don't need to be 10 admins doing this - its enough with 1. Thats just foolish and waste of time to have more then 1 to review ONE simple demo, considering the admins are fair and not stupid that they blame smoke kills as cheat. But then again, you reflect on the Libra scan etc.

So I ask you again; how come its stupid to narrow down from 5 demos to 2 teams on demo request. That would take ONE admin 1 hour to review and decide fairly (even if its needed so to say). It saves time, things go fast and you control most of the tings. Cheers.

If you people stop being arrogant about this and instead start reason and see that this prevents default hunting on a great level, it dosent take much from ONE admin to review 2 demos, the deadline time is decreased from 5 days to less then 2 days. This benefits everyone except the sore losers who try to default hunt. This equals efficiency and quality.

And to be fair - don't take it wrong - if it takes more 1 admin and 5 days to review ONE or TWO demos then exchange the staff. People do this actively and keep it very simple. And please don't tell me it takes more then ONE admin to run a one day cup as well? You want to improve as you state? Then dont do things to complicated, keep it simple and you have it...

 h L k
about 12 years ago

Some good points I can't really argue with. UNGL should perhaps have a similar (but much more user friendly) system to ESL, where the Captains can upload the link of demos (all of them if they so wish) to the fixture page, instead of in the comment box. So I've mocked up this to show you my idea on how it could be:

To me this just organises it so the demos are all in one place, and the admins and opposition leader can easily access them without the need for a comment-box war.

about 12 years ago

Ta for the feedback, we'll take it in to account.

about 12 years ago

 h L k
Thansk! :) Lol nice and sweet idea. I would for sure vote that up if I could. Looks sweet.

Sure no problem. Lets hope you do something really good. This would benefit whole UNGL.

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