Universal Gaming League

over 12 years ago

Wukong buff inc?... Discuss...

My input is WTF?? :P

UNGL Administrator
over 12 years ago

Hes a bad champ, the only good thing about him is the team fights with his ulti but then you would have to be in a jungl to get everyone with it. so it could either be a good thing or a bad depending on how the game is going.

Also i am looking forward to the greaves nerf. As i play bottom lane most of the time and he just wins the lane no matter what so im hoping they can turn him down a little bit.

over 12 years ago

Wukong is INSANE already, Sorry but every game I play as wukong I bounce my forehead off the keyboard and drop 20 in a lane. Hideous champion, does NOT need a buff :/

UNGL Administrator
over 12 years ago

Get some CC in the lane and u win.

over 12 years ago

imo Wukong lacks a bit late game unless he goes super tanky but i buff should not be necessary
