Universal Gaming League

over 2 years ago

The Role of Tires

Like many other commodities, car and truck tires are a hazardous waste product that has turned into a major problem for animals worldwide. Because they contain carcinogenic chemicals and heavy metals, burying them in landfills is a poor choice. These chemicals can leach out of the tires over time, polluting both the soil and the groundwater beneath them. Tires also pose an air pollution threat when they catch on fire. Unlike your other household waste, tires are made from non-biodegradable, flammable material that make leaving them in a landfill dangerous to the environment. Recycling is the most proper way to dispose of your tires.

Luckily, tire recycling continues to gain popularity across the globe. Rubber recyclers can transform the rubber left on a discarded tire into a variety of different and useful products, including tire-derived fuel (TDF), rubber mulch, rubberized asphalt, and tire-derived aggregate (TDA). Many of these products work better than the products that they replace. For example, TDF burns cleaner than the coal traditionally used in cement kilns. Reducing these carbon emissions by using TDF also helps to slow global warming and habitat change.

Slowing and reversing the climate change occurring worldwide is a challenging task. It often seems unachievable. However, recycling is an easy step that everyone can take to make a difference and give the animal kingdom a greater chance at survival.

tire recycling machine for sale
