Universal Gaming League

almost 12 years ago

Im always missing the Sunday night cups but find myself on most of the day Saturday and Sunday and thought why aren't there more events on at these time?

Is there not much activity in the day?

I thought I would post this to see if anyone else thought it would be good to see some daytime cups either a one day or spread over a few weeks on a Sat or Sun day... Anyone?

if not 5on5 what about a daytime 2on2 cup?


almost 12 years ago

Well, you would get those when certain people begin listening to me!

almost 12 years ago


almost 12 years ago

A regular 2on2 (csgo) day cup once a month on a Saturday would get my vote =]

almost 12 years ago

5on5 if anything. 2on2 cups or 2on2 in general is just not my cup of tea. But again, I am not the one who is responsible for cups, so don't take my word for it, and keep your vote as you want it, might happen, who knows!

almost 12 years ago

To be honest either would be great, I just thought 2on2 would be easier to field enough teams if activity is low on a weekend during the day

almost 12 years ago

CSS and CSGO cups! Not just only cs:go.

almost 12 years ago

Not even going to dignify that with a response.

almost 12 years ago

you don't have to

almost 12 years ago

1.6 > GO > S. Just saying ;)

almost 12 years ago

source > all xxo

almost 12 years ago

CS:O > all

almost 12 years ago

Well considering I'm a CS ADMIN for UNGL, you seemed not to have thought that one through very well.

almost 12 years ago

Thursday night would be best. If you're going to have cups on a Sunday you're going to clash with ESL GO4CSGO.

almost 12 years ago

did you read the post?
Were talking about DAY cups at the weekend, of people are worried about clashing with Sundays ESL it could be a Saturday day cup...

almost 12 years ago

How about a divison, is that coming for GO like it was in CSS?
