Universal Gaming League

over 9 years ago

Hi Myself and rAze are looking for a serious team wanting to attend up coming LAN events, we both have alot of experience on CS,we went to i52 and placed 17th-24th out of 64 teams and 3rd/4th in the intermediate bracket with a team that had been together for 3 weeks before the event so about 15 days prac before the event. we'd rather join a team looking for 2 players instead of starting from scratch. ALSO LOOKING FOR AN ACTIVE TEAM LOOKING TO TAKE PART IN LEAGUES

- 22/UK
- Rifler/Entry Fragger/Caller
- http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ebanks/

- 25/UK
- Rifler/Lurker/Caller
- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965272969
