Universal Gaming League

over 11 years ago

Title is pretty self explanatory.. Professional player DazeD made a post showing how to properly use mollies(molotovs);as I like to call them :D

Thank me later when you are getting burn kills bahaha :D


aka "Donkey"
over 11 years ago

lol, i found it funny that he thinks after playing cs:go for only a few months he has figured out the "proper" way to use a Molatov as if he is making a statement that any other idea on Molotov's is not the "proper" way.

i hate all their vids.

one of those
over 11 years ago

kids love them tho. Let them learn from pros.

over 11 years ago

Yeah i'm sure hes definitely saying you're not allowed to use molotovs in any other way.

over 11 years ago

thanks (not even checked the video) i hate other people telling/showing me how to play games other ways than my way really. if you play someone else's game u wont win

no offence

aka "Donkey"
over 11 years ago

he was saying that you are sexy and we should go on cam =)

over 11 years ago

Throw it in B tuns to stop a B rush woow thanks gna use this in my next mix!

over 11 years ago

yh but how can someone tell you how to use a molotov its not rocket science

CS Admin
over 11 years ago

I don't know about that. Before I saw this video I was aiming at peoples heads and firing but the damn thing just kept falling to the ground. I mean, what's the point of aiming at the guys head if it doesn't even go where you aim =[

over 11 years ago

Guessing this is the same guy that made that advertisement post about the "best csgo guide" or something. Why are you making a new account like you have fans so dedicated to spam your **** on forums?

"Title is pretty self explanatory.. Professional player DazeD made a post advertising his own video which leads to you hopefully paying a subscription/clicking on one of their 200 razer adverts"

over 11 years ago

Hopefully they will ban the molo
