Universal Gaming League

about 13 years ago

GoldenShooter : Esioo u ever Lanned?
GoldenShooter : guess not..
Immi : ?
AbstraktimusPrime : GOLDENSHOOTER
AbstraktimusPrime : AHAHHAHAHA
GoldenShooter : ?
Immi : He's going LAN in february acctually
GoldenShooter : Perilous
GoldenShooter : are lanning
GoldenShooter : LOL
GoldenShooter : my team came 7th and 8th
GoldenShooter : ****ing idiot
GoldenShooter : i have been successfull in css
GoldenShooter : unlick
GoldenShooter : i28 - i29
GoldenShooter : 8th - 7th
GoldenShooter : u ply for perilous
GoldenShooter : worst team ever..
GoldenShooter : LOL
GoldenShooter : lmao
GoldenShooter : ur idiots
GoldenShooter : Immi never even heard of such a player.
GoldenShooter : lol
GoldenShooter : i wud of noticed ur name
GoldenShooter : ****ing idiot
GoldenShooter : LOLOLOL
GoldenShooter : one of the worst teams i have seen.
GoldenShooter : perilous LOL
GoldenShooter : ok..
GoldenShooter : u ply for perilous
GoldenShooter : LOL
GoldenShooter : and u think ur good?
GoldenShooter : my team best the other perilous when mick and the noobs where plying like u 3 we beat them 28-2
GoldenShooter : ur a **** team
GoldenShooter : end of.
GoldenShooter : i don't need to argue with people who ply for Perilous LMAO

This is basically just what he was saying, He was claiming the team he played for at that LAN was Crow.eu Then i informed him that i was at the LAN and i also went and got the LAN standings and there was no Crow.eu to be seen...

Immi : well you came 7/8th so who did you play for uQ or TMG?
GoldenShooter : crow.eu...

He then went on to ask me who i was playing for back then

Immi : Well i29 It was me, Dre, rem7, CuLo, raL
GoldenShooter : u came 4th
GoldenShooter : lol
GoldenShooter : ok..
Immi : yeah
GoldenShooter : no
GoldenShooter : u didn't
Immi : are you dumb?
GoldenShooter : i wud of noticed ur name
GoldenShooter : ****ing idiot

1. Temp.css
2. Reason
3. Zboard
4. TLR
5/6. Five:Flow, r3
7/8. TMG, uQ-Gaming
9-12. SA, riSen, syntax.error, core5
13-16. NA, iNC, svig, zealous

I don't know if he was just trying to troll esio and got caught out or he actually claims this to alot of people?
Can anyone who knows him confirm/deny?

about 13 years ago

Hes obviously mentally challenged why would you care.

about 13 years ago

derp derp

about 13 years ago

Curiosity more than anything

about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago

Yes sir.

I <3 mouz & FGW
about 13 years ago


dat him steam. lets all add him, and FLAME

about 13 years ago

 Rings of Saturn
Shut up, ****.

one of those
about 13 years ago

No idea why you though it would be good idea to post this on ungl.

rage on.

about 13 years ago

 Rings of Saturn
Didn't claim you would know me.

Neither do i... Lots of lovely people around here .

UNGL Administrator
about 13 years ago

[i]Thread is being closed.
If you wanna know why PM me[/i]