Universal Gaming League

over 12 years ago

my last company was gps, Mini let me know about this and should of listened sooner, The amount of times i asked for help as there servers ended up being utter **** and couldn't help to save there life, bad customer support and and just looked at sales nothing more.

Anyway a little rage there but all is a good, i was wondering if anyone could recommend me a a company with quality servers at a reasonable price and they must do dedibox's.

Much appreciated, Blakeee

over 12 years ago

Cheers lads will take a look into it

CS Head Admin
over 12 years ago


over 12 years ago

had a dedizone svr, it was great, paradox emailed back with support within hours.

Kills whales dead.
over 12 years ago

I can +1 that. dreadful indeed

Policy Advisor
over 12 years ago

dedizone.net are great servers, very cheap as well

over 12 years ago

gps ****ing $hite.
dedizone rtl and vg are my favs

over 12 years ago

loveyou :)

over 12 years ago

im quite used 2 that actually :/ no suprises :(

over 12 years ago


better than every other hosting company in the EU.

£6 gets you a 12 slot with 100slot STV, very rarely have I ever got a lag spike from it and its easy to edit and alter.

over 12 years ago

no they are not mate ive had multiple servers for bout 5 months now and ive had no problems at all with them, support is grade A.

over 12 years ago

Vg for me I have a dedi with them support is top n mine is based in uk n the servers r very smooth RTL are very good aswell

Gps I wouldn't touch with a barge pole

over 12 years ago

i wont be touching them with a bare pole again was so awkward to actually get support. But i have herd vg dedis are not that great.

i was thinking Multiplay but everyone is saying dedizone so email them and waiting for a reply to see whats what.

Thanks for all the advice :)

over 12 years ago

RTL got a little big for their own boots. the customer service and server quality was straight out of the top draw 5 years ago; this led to rapid expansion. Few years down the line and too many servers are run on too few boxes but most customers were none the wiser. Lee from RTL is a very rich man now. good on him. but i wouldn't purchase his servers for these reasons.
