Universal Gaming League

almost 12 years ago

If I change my resolution what will it make diffrent?

Right know I have 16:9 1680x945 native, if I change it to 16:9 1280x720.

Will it make any diffrent overall?

almost 12 years ago

try it and see?

00  Phantom
CS Admin
almost 12 years ago

Stay on your monitors native resolution for best results.

Gb  DazzyJ
UNGL Contributor
almost 12 years ago

00  Phantom +1 to this

almost 12 years ago

Okay, thanks guys. Just heard alot of crap about lowering the resolution would make ur gameplay better and stuff.

-I really don't care about the "experience" in the game itself I just want to improve my performence while I play :).

Au  r0b1
CS Head Admin
almost 12 years ago

Try to find what suits you best. Personal preference is much better than "I use regnam's reso cos he was orsum!"

almost 12 years ago

I see most people asking pros what res they use thinking it matters, it doesn't it's all down to personal preference and what feels right with you.

almost 12 years ago

Try 800x600 ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbjofpPT3Kw like this with the black line or just 4:3 normal 800x600 resolution...

almost 12 years ago

personal preference also

almost 12 years ago

I find 8x6 improves my gameplay as t's/ct's are larger, making them easier to hit

Gb  DazzyJ
UNGL Contributor
almost 12 years ago
Gb  nSmed
UNGL Administrator
almost 12 years ago

1920x1080 FTW

almost 12 years ago

Gb  DazzyJ -.- FINE 800X600

ungl.org/l3/3708/726132.jpg blackbars fTTWWW

almost 12 years ago

hahahahaha Dazzy prefer 8x6 :DDD

almost 12 years ago

1024x768 best

almost 12 years ago

For some reason i've stopped getting black bars on either side of my HD monitor when using 800x600, I've gone back to my 4:3 monitor for gaming :L

over 2 years ago
