Universal Gaming League

almost 11 years ago

Name: Mijatovic
Age: 30
Skill: Low+
Location: Spain
Team Experience: I've been playing CS since the first beta started (around year 2000) until 1.6 and then I started playing CSS until last year. Although this year I haven't played much, I would like to start anew playing CS:GO for fun, but doing it in a clan because I really like to compete.

Contact Information: steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960652600

You can also reply to this message so I can contact you.

Other Information: I don't have problems speaking english so my nationality shouldn't be a problem. Also, I can play 3-4 nights per week (maybe some more if needed) from 8-9 till 11-12 (depending on the day)
I'd really like to play in a team again so please contact me if you're interested in giving me a trial (although my skill level is quite low since I haven't played in a long while).

Thanks for reading :)
