Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago
Game: CounterStrike:GO Team: IndependentGamingGroup [IGG] Skill: Medium Players Required: 2 or more active players Age Limit: 16+ Location: Europe ( english speaking) Contact Information: ts.igghq.net or add [IGG] br4dy on steam. Other Information: http://www.igghq.net We are a large community of players across several games. With recent interest in CS:GO we have several current IGG members come forward asking to start a competetive team. We currently have around 3 active players showing big interest in the game again after a long time away. I am looking for 2 or more medium/low level players who are active and willing to play as a team and attend practice. We are a nice bunch of lads from across the globe who just want to experience a more challenging style of game play. Jump on our TS3 server at ts.igghq.net to have a chat with us. Thanks for your time! br4dy
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
Cheers mate. We just want to get the ball rolling and get some matches played.
over 10 years ago
Three lads come forward already. cheers for the interest lads.
