Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

Game: CS:GO (obviously)
Name: André
Nick: TheInflux
Age: 15
Skill: Low++ (But improving)
Location: Norway
Team Experience: None, but looking forward to playing with one

I usually play a rifler, but i'm a decent awper aswell, would prefer a norwegian speaking team. but english is fine. BTW i get A's in english, so thats not a problem.
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058109165/inventory/#753

Add me if you are interested

over 10 years ago


CS Admin
over 10 years ago

Good luck.

over 10 years ago

cheers mates, got ana offer from TAW right away :)

over 10 years ago

Anyone can join TAW pretty much , but gj
