Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

So, after a fairly quiet last post. (http://ungl.org/forum/31/8443/1/Stranger__SiN_LFT) we've decided since we are already three players that we shall start a team instead :)

So far we've come to the conclusion we have no idea what to name our team, so ill just write some stuff about us instead.
Looking for 2 players.
Skill: Mid-High.
Age: between 18-20 so far don't mind how old you are as long as you're social.
What we're after: 1 caller, a rifler, someone who likes a laugh, but doesn't mind knuckling down when it comes to it.
Our line up is SiN, Stranger, Mini.

Add me on steam if you're intrested i guess :). Storm123123

over 10 years ago

Good luck, Mini top guy :)

over 10 years ago

