Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

Game: CS:GO
Name: Alex 'Purge'
Age: 15
Skill: Mid
Location: U.K
Team Experience: Non
Contact Information: Steam: purgemvm
Other Information: First tried playing CS 1.6 in November 2011, after that tried CS:S for a while and now I am on CS:GO. Not a 'Pro' or nothing like that, but I know how to play, and I can be very aggressive player if I am having a good game. AWPer and Rifler, but I prefer being an AWPer.

Like to have a good and chill time whilst playing, but be serious about it at the same time. Looking for a team to have fun with playing. :]

over 10 years ago

Good luck dude

over 10 years ago

cheers man
