Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

Game: CS:Global Offensive
Name: Andrew
Age: 20
Skill: Medium > High
Location: Sweden
Team Experience: A few months from 1.6
Contact Information: loopfruit1 @steam
Other Information:

Oh well. I've been playing alot of CS:GO latley and I came to the conclusion that I can't evolve my skill without a team. I play at a **** rank in competitive (Gold Nova Master), and wind up having players without headset, mic, lack of game knowledge. They never heard of sounds nor steps. They barley know all the locations of the maps (except the main ones). I always have the feeling of being better than the most players on my PuGs. Though I often suicide and do stupid things due to lack of reliability on team members and rage.

Now to the real ****. I like to play backup/support or lurker/sneak role on my teams and now and then sniper. I'm looking for a team that speaks english or swedish. Also I'd like to include that I'm looking for a team that has some thought to what I wrote above and expect me to take a few matches to get going. I can play nights(18:00 - 24:00). Also #1 goal, is to improve, always improve.

Have a nice one, stay fresh ;)

over 10 years ago

Just saying in my experience your not going to be mid to high only being gold nova master, even thought match making proves nothing in the ranking side. but from what ive come across most mid+ players are either Distinguished Master Guardians or Legendary eagles

over 10 years ago

ranking system on steam is just floored, you cant compare anyone based on rankings

over 10 years ago

Ranks never have and never will mean anything. Forget they even exist.


over 10 years ago

I fully understand the part about rankings. I just gave a understandable meaning to it by mentioning. It's hard to set your own skill onto a scale. However, I'm the kind of person that goes all the way. Dedication = progress, progress = success. If my future team is on the same page. We will get "there". :)

over 10 years ago

mm ranks, still tells a difference about ur aim, maybe not ur gamesense, but being Gold Nova Master is not even close to high skilled, even if u got sick gamesense. aim is also major.

over 10 years ago


afaik, you can't rank up if you lose. Anyhow I'm feeling good about my aim, it can ofcourse improve.

over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago

No, u cant rank up when u loose, that is why u carry ur team to victory ^^
