Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

over 10 years ago

Name Sauria
Age 22
From Netherlands

Hey Guys,
ive been gone from the cs scene for quite some time.
im back now im starting to get really bored of matchmaking.
so there for im looking for a team again!

i'd prefer a 18+ team (maybe 16+) that takes **** serious!
my english is pretty decent, i know all basic tacs callouts etc.
active 4/5 nights a week.
able to go lan (europe) if its gonna get to that point.
played cs for almost 10 years now. (i had some breaks ofc)

So if some1 out there is recruiting and not looking for lows or the best player in the world.
im your guy!<3

Steam : Danielhenny
xFire : Sauria123

bb :D

over 10 years ago

good luck
