Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

Skill: Semi-Pro
Players Required: 2
Location: Europe
Contact Information: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036350741/
Other Information: We have recently formed a team, consisting of three members. havoK, f1qs and I. We have access to practice with europe's top teams so we are really looking for skilled and experienced players, an In-Game Leader and a rifler. You must be from Europe and be able to practice at least 4 days a week.

over 10 years ago

Added you on Steam.


Rifler, possible to practice at least 4 days a week.

I've also got a buddie, we took WCG Greece 2007 CS:S together but I've currently got no clue if his working hours collide with your gaming hours. We'll check that out, if you'd like.

About the Leadership part, let me suggest that I've always been fond of offline theorycraft, practicing offensive/deffensive 'nades and plans on empty servers (I can provide a VeryGames high-end server) and getting our job into action. Adjust our plans to cover a few expected playstyles, a few renown tactics and focus at doing our pre-designated job like professional teams instead of depending on an active leader's calls. It gives the game a different perspective: Players usualy play under less stress, they know what to do in at least 4-5 circumstances so they have to depend on their movement and aiming to cover those and only.
