Universal Gaming League

over 10 years ago

My name is xMerkzAd. We call our team/clan the #Spirit clan. Yes, you'll get a cool profile picture if you join.

Me and Joey are the founders, both from the UK:
Me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xMerkzAd/
Joey: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031572668/

We're Mid, Mid+ in the skill range.

I'm a Rifler/Awper
Joey is a Rifler

Looking for any 15-18 ages at Mid. Mid+ skill range and higher.

We don't do Lan due to people possibly being in different countries but would like to join in tournaments and leagues in online pug websites and such to get rewards and work as a team.

Must have a good mind-set to play, no raging and MUST have a MIC! (A CLEAR ONE!!!)

Add either me or Joey if you'd like to join. We'll play a match or two to test your significance.

CS:GO Admin
over 10 years ago

Good luck guys I like the name
