Universal Gaming League

The Assist King
over 10 years ago

Game: CSGO

Name: LuckyLine

Age: 23

Skill: High+

Location: England

Team Experience: Aftershock, Derailed, Perilous,

Contact Information: (steam) striker159

Other Information:

Hi, I'm looking for a decent team from UK only please. I'm not fussed if your an existing team or trying to set one up. I have a few mates who are also trying to sort a team out, so maybe something could come from that.
I can go to lan.
I do have a personal life, I can play 4 nights a week on average.
My past teams have all been really good, but folded due to inactivity.
I can call/rifle to a high standard. I much prefer to call.
I'm a nice guy and don't rage.

Add me on steam, more than willing to play some mixes :)

over 10 years ago

gl m8

over 10 years ago

sick gamer.. gl
