Universal Gaming League

over 12 years ago

Greetings Fellow Citizens of Europe.

We are two people who are looking for a skilled clan to play in. We're both from Sweden, but we have nothing against playing with people from other European countries. We both have played the game a long time so we know what we are doing ingame. We are both 20 years old and you wont have any rage- or whineissues with us in ventrilo/mumble/ts3. To sum it all, we are two real friendly people. That is atleast what others say about us.

Anyway. As i said before, we have played a long time, I have been playing for 9-10 years and my friend have been playing for about 7 years. We are very active and we think you also should be, but of course we all have an education or a job that must be taken in first hand.

We are looking for you who are a decent team that plays a lot. No special requirement to be uberserious but we prefer that you take the ladders / cups / leagues and what not on a serious level. We do NOT seek a team that is nasty against opponents in matches, maturity should lie above the line.

You cant be more than 10 people in the clan because it only results in becoming a mixteam

We're both allround players, but my friend could take the role as awper IF ITS Really Needed.
Both of us have very much experience of being ingame leader, so if the need for such, we can take the roll.
I'd say that the both of us are Mid + / high-skilled, but hey. That's just me talking.

Send me a message if we sound interesting or just want to know more about us.

// Bulten & Sweetcorn

over 12 years ago

GL mate.

over 12 years ago

Good luck

over 12 years ago

Indeed. Maybeeee toooo honest?

GL lads:)

over 12 years ago


over 12 years ago

