Universal Gaming League

EXAEQUO League of Legends

ExAequo Italia, founded on the 8th of September 2006 recognises the common desire to seek out a virtual gathering point in order to exchange opinions, improve and to play together. The clan was founded by 9 friends who raised a community out of the ashes which otherwise was merely a shadow of an empire collapsed at the feet of its creator. By distributing the different tasks among the group members according to their abilities it has been able, in a few months to create a close-knit and strong clan with a Swat 4 server and a ranked one of Battlefield 2142 (among the first in Italy). In a short time the group has become a community, a myriad of players, which gather themselves every day on our game servers and TeamSpeak, creating one of the most representative clans at national gaming level. With the purchase of our first game server, it is now possible to increase the amount of games played and today we can vaunt sections such as:

Battlefield 3

Modern Warfare 3

League of Legends

World of Tanks

Medal of Honor
