Universal Gaming League

77eSports.Benelux Counter-Strike:Source
connect;password 77es

~Line up:

Jens "Xel<3J" Gryspeert
Jeffrey "J-Moorthamer" Moorthamer
Nicolas "Nicooow" Sketebeze
Mike "dSe" Van Caneghem
Raoul "Solide" De Geus

~Server Rules

1) 100 Tick
2) VAC Secure
3) zBlock Secure
4) 1.45 Round Time
5) 120 Second+ SourceTV Delay
6) Libra Mandatory

~Game Rules

1) Play out & no bad sportsmanship
2) MR15 / 1.45 RT => MR 30
3) Rates around 100000 66 66
4) Interpolate 1 / Interp 0.01
5) We record POV's!!
6) SourceTV recorded for officials

~ Official Maps
1) de_dust2
2) de_season
3) de_inferno
4) de_nuke
5) de_tuscan
6) de_train
7) de_contra

~ Pracc Maps


~Additional Info

~ No red-crossed players; we check Steam IDs.
~ Please show up within 15 minutes of the agreed time.

Game supposes to be fun, so keep it like that.

