Universal Gaming League

5 Men Underground Counter-Strike:Source

OK Ex6tenZ new VG strat 5 Men Underground gogogo

NEVER SAY NO TO PANDA - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X21mJh6j9i4&feature=fvwrel



[B] igz +1: you know that headcam i got
[B] igz +1: ?
PandawaN: y
[B] igz +1: Used it today with the horse
[B] igz +1: Did the most stupid thing
[B] igz +1: Looked at some girl with these ****ing
[B] igz +1: great tits
[B] igz +1: and went
[B] igz +1: "**** THIS IS GONNA BE ON CAMERA"
[B] igz +1: Hahaha
PandawaN: whos gna watch it?= XD
[B] igz +1: My dad
[B] igz +1: HAHAHHAA
PandawaN: "thats mah boy"
PandawaN: no wait
PandawaN: this is gna be him
PandawaN: http://www.operatorchan.org/k/src/133357531190.jpg

