Universal Gaming League

Xfire: antjee1990
Real name: Andy Vink
Age: 15
From: The Netherlands, Den Haag
Favourite map: Citystreets, Strike
Best player in CoD4: Phantasy
Favourite gun: Scope
Best gun: Assault or SMG, still dont really know, can handle Scope as well so..
Team: SKITLITE (ennno, synetic, nijle, exroo, blz)
Homepage: www.skitlite-gaming.eu
Important links:ClanBase: http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1965702 > Xfire: http://www.xfire.com/profile/antjee1990/

Heros: Stephanie, since she\'s my girlfriend for like 2 years, and I\'m still loving her, she\'s my rightarm and is just the sweetest girl on earth :$
Sphinx, since she\'s my favourite pet, it\'s a cat and she\'s really cute :$:$:$:$ <3 1luv Sphinx

Favourite food: Pizza for sure TROLOLO :\')
Favourite sport: Kickboxing, soccer
Favourite drink: Wodka+Redbull = win OROROR Orange Juice <3
The most sympatic player in CoD4: eabY?
The most faggest player in CoD4: exN
